The biggest discovery about consciousness

Posted on October 25, 2013
Location: London
The biggest discovery about consciousness

It is not the same world that we grew up in – it does not exist any more. People are different, food is different, weather is different, environment is different, economy is different, movies are different, style is different, diseases are different, habits are different, focuses are different, want is different, need is different, politicians are different, religion is different, technology is different, transports are different, education is different, kids are different, their intelligences are different….everything is different, what I am trying to say, won’t we agree? 

Still, somehow, we weakly fancy to "imagine and act" as if we are going to live forever. Some even go around claiming them to have achieved consciousness. Really? The biggest discovery about consciousness is that, “This is also a phase, which is not permanent!”. 

Nothing remains permanent…NOT EVEN this NIGHT…because tomorrow is waiting….right there…knocking the circumference with appealing brightness, prospects...excitements, possibility and what not!!! So, what do we want? Night-full of rest or day-full of activities? A bit of both, may be. One without other is purposeless!!! Good night! Sleep tight!

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