Home Cooked Food - A charity Initiative!

Posted on March 17, 2014
Location: London
Home Cooked Food - A charity Initiative!

In an Indian household few decades ago, people used to be generally healthier: a mother would plan their meals for the week and father would grocery shop every alternative day.  Cooking a healthy meal can still take as little as 30 minutes to prepare. Picking something out at a fast food restaurant, paying for it and driving home could take just as long. It is also a good way to teach children the basics in cooking and spend time as a family.

If this is something happens again in every household, we are on our way to recovery from many of the deadly illness, which has captured our society tight in recent times.  An objective which can be addressed by encouraging people to forego the “quick fix” with take-away food and sit down to home cooked meals with the family. Home cooked meals are healthier as well as cheaper than eating at a restaurant or purchasing from take-away junctions.   Most people are likely to use less sodium and fat these days in their food preparation and in return are more likely to consume less cholesterol and calories.

Some times I wonder if inclusion of “Healthy Food/Home cooking/Benefits of it/Cooking techniques” etc; in the course curriculum at the schools/colleges in India can solve the broader issue…by preparing a healthier/health-conscious/Economic conscious” society for the future. Famous chefs and restaurants can present cooking classes at affordable rates, as their contribution towards this greater charitable cause.

Father of our nation; Mahatma Gandhi did not look at food as something that just satisfied hunger. For him, it was an essential part that shaped human consciousness. He tested and experimented with a number of diets to find the perfect one. According to Gandhi, "when food submerses the body, and through the body the soul, its relish disappears, and then alone does it begin to function in the way nature intended it to."

All my previous trips to India were incomplete without me exploring our intensely diverse food culture, outside our home. But on my recent trip; most of my meals (90% of it) I had at home.  And I’ll tell you what; it was the most satisfying coordination of body and mind I felt because of that. My parents were delighted to find me at the dinning table most of the time and I relished all the treasures they had kept in store for me, which I missed out unconsciously all these years. HAVE A LOOK BELOW!!! WAS IT REAL OR WHAT? It was, it was, it was! All Home made, at the Mohanty households.

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