Every moment of our existence was planned?

Posted on April 15, 2013
Location: London
Every moment of our existence was planned?

On this planet there are nearly seven billion people. They all have to eat. They all have to drink. They all wish that they could get a little more sleep! They all have mothers, they all have fathers. They all wish that... some of their relationships were a little less difficult! They all have beliefs, too. Even the ones who claim to have no belief, only believe themselves to be belief-free. They all yearn for peace.

Some people like to believe that every moment of our existence was planned, right down to the last detail, many centuries ago. Before we even came here. It was written. It was destined. They find this notion comforting.

Personally, I find it disempowering! Don't you? Do we really want to feel as if there are no choices that we can make because they have already been made for us? How can that possibly be true? Tell you what, lets believe that BUT CHALLENGE IT...Do you want to? WE'LL PROVE (I KNOW) that We (are/will) what we want to be...not because it has been decided for us. In case you don't know the man in the picture...!

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