it is being attainted every minutes, somewhere by someone !

Posted on July 8, 2013
Location: London
it is being attainted every minutes, somewhere by someone !

If we don't stand a chance of winning, what is the point of competing? If our destiny has already been decided by some fateful force, why strive to change it? The real question we need to ask ourselves is, are we beaten before we begin? To this there can only be one answer. Of course we aren't! We will end up begin beaten only if we don't begin in the first place. Though we may have to work fairly hard to get where we want to end up but our aspiration is entirely attainable. Why? How? Because it is being attainted every minutes, somewhere by someone - so? And in some case, that someone at somewhere is not as resourceful as us, but is more positve in his belief, that's all!


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