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10th birthday of our dear friend & companion Master LinkedIn!

Posted on May 8, 2013
Location: London
10th birthday of our dear friend & companion Master LinkedIn!

Read it somewhere today that: no animals were lost or killed in the Tsunami of 2004. Their instinct told them to move deeper inland where it is safer. Very similar to the belief that in case of an accident, the baby (ies) on board are saved and but elders are affected. How so? Any thoughts?

Many explanations have been offered for this abnormal animal behaviour prior to natural disasters; but nothing is proven.

But what is useful is to remain alert to: any deviation from normal behaviour in both wild and domestic animals, like vacating areas of their dwelling, gathering in strange groupings, and entering into human habitats that they normally avoid, unusual cries or noises should alert us. Cool – let’s remember that.

Today we are celebrating 10th birthday of our dear friend and companion Master LinkedIn (not a teen yet). Indeed, LinkedIn’s contribution to society, commerce & relationship; will always be of high benchmark. Many happy returns, Buddy! Good Luck for the next year AND never marry Facebook or Microsoft! They are Greedy Fellas!

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