The secret is you have to be LIVING, LAUGHING AND LEARNING

Posted on April 30, 2013
Location: London
The secret is you have to be LIVING, LAUGHING AND LEARNING

As I walked past this group of loud & smartly dressed people; I overheard part of their conversation. “The secret is you have to be LIVING, LAUGHING AND LEARNING”. That was it; that was all. Just a snippet of a conversation. About what, I have no idea, but as I walked past, it captured a piece of my mind and stayed there working away and growing in intensity, all day.

No; it did more than that though, it continued to work within me and I found myself playing mentally with the concept. Living, Laughing & Learning. Powerful, positive and empowering words.

When I returned back to home, I wrote these three words on my study room wall and let the idea hang in there in limbo for a while. Like any true idea, it didn’t just stay still. It started to grow, slowly first, with the addition of one more word “LOVING”. I thought this was a stronger message & that is what LIFE is all about. LIVING-LAUGHING-LOVING-LEARNING. And I adopted it as my motto. I want to add “EXPERIENCE” to it as well, if I find a synonym for EXPEREINCE, which starts with “L”. Any suggestion? I like the word EXPERIENCE. I always thought all I have achieved so far in life, is experience, not materiality.

And in last 5 hours, THREE other LETTER-WORD series appeared in my wall.


And how these words can impact my life? May be I will start to use them often, they are positive words, hence will make positive impact. Careful Boys and Girls – Please dare NOT to ask me next time “How are you?” and I’ll go; I am HAPPY – HEALTHY – HORNY – HOLY. And that beautiful girl walking pass will think I am TOTALLY CRAZY but I bet majority would smile. And that’s what I want. Who wants to try?

Well; didn’t they say – A LOT CAN HAPPEN OVER A CUP OF COFFEE? And the above snippet of the conversation was picked up from the Coffee shop “Taylor-St-Baristas”, one of the favourite coffee shops in London. I don’t drink much coffee, but when I do, I either like a FLAT-WHITE from Taylor-St-Baristas or Monmouth. Best Coffee shops of London. I do understand coffee, having lived in Melbourne for so many years. So if you are a coffee lover, PLEASE TRY these two brands.

Time to call it an evening? WAIT. Where is your GRATITUDE for the day? I mean my gratitude. Serge, my friend – thank you very much for introducing me to Monmouth Coffee. You are an amazing personality, I always enjoyed talking to you, and you are an absolutely creative photographer, honest man, good friend, and a LEGEND! And thank you for that little speech on my last day at Barclays. That was awesome. BTW Serge, that queue was at Moumouth@Borough Market. Remember?

Night Night every1! Please Sleep VERY tight.

Bikash MohantyBikash Mohanty"Welcome to my website!
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